L’argento è uno dei metalli piú rari della terra, ed è molto usato dai traders. Il simbolo dell’argento è YI. L’argento è meno raro dell’oro e spesso ha il suo stesso andamento nel mercato dei beni. Essendo uno dei metalli più flessibili, può essere utilizzato sia come mettallo “meccanico”, sia come risorsa solida, svolgendo un duplice ruolo nel mercato delle materie prime.
L’argento viene negoziato sulle 3 principali piazze al mondo. Il New York Mercantile Exchange (NYME), il London Metal Exchange (LME) ed il Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CBOT). Gli orari di scambio sono compresi tra le 00:00 e le 21:00 e le 22:00 e le 24:00 GMT – 23 ore in tutto il mondo.
Il prezzo dell’argento è influenzato da molti fattori. Eccone alcuni:
Il trading sull’argento non è diverso dagli altri beni, ad ogni modo bisogna trovare un broker sicuro e trasparente, per garantire che sia il vostro denaro che il vostro account siano garantiti e protetti da un sistema adeguato.
Warning of High Risk Trading at all levels and in all forms represent an activity of elevated risk. As it is perfectly possible to suffer heavy losses when trading with any online broker, trading is not an activity that is suitable for everyone. Traders must be aware of the fact that returns are not guaranteed and that they may lose some or all of the money they invest. As such, it is of the utmost importance to only trade with disposable funds you can afford to lose 100%. Before getting started, traders must actively consider their goals, expectations, attitude to risk and personal financial circumstances. You need to know the risks involved when trading and understand exactly how to proceed, in accordance with your trading style and situation. If you require advice or assistance, it should be sourced exclusively from a registered independent financial advisor.
Amecx Fund provides its customers with an extensive archive of educational resources and tutorials, along with forecasts, market reports and more. All customers acknowledge that all such resources and information are provided on an as-is basis and by no means represent our own suggestions or recommendations. What’s more, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any of the information we provide. As such, Amecx Fund takes no responsibility for any consequences that may arise due to the use of any of the information we offer, in part or in full. All traders accept that they bear full responsibility for every decision they make and the consequences thereof. The information we offer must not be misinterpreted as financial advice – traders are responsible for making their own decisions based on their own research. Trading will always be an activity of high risk and the possibility of heavy losses must be realistically considered before taking part. Amecx Fund is open exclusively to those aged at least 18 years and in a jurisdiction that permits online trading.